Ekologistak Martxan exige el fin del acoso y represión contra nuestro compañero y amigo Martín Fernández y otros integrantes del Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia (MADJ) de Honduras y les envía nuestra solidaridad. El pasado domingo un comando de las fuerzas represoras del Estado de Honduras persiguió a los mencionados hasta la vivienda, tras una manifestación pacífica. Un militar entró en la vivienda y apuntó a Martín y a los otros activistas en la cabeza con su arma. También entraron dos policías. La policía rompió los cristales del vehículo de Martín. Después la policía policías y militares rodearon la casa del dirigente del MADJ Martín Fernández y otros en San Juan Pueblo (Atlántida) impidiéndoles salir.

Martín ha sido agredido y acosado anteriormente, al igual que su hermano, viéndose obligado en una ocasión anterior a dejar el país. En los últimos días ha sido atacado a través de redes sociales. La más reciente tras el asesinato de su compañero Wilmer Paredes el 1 de enero. Martín solicitó a las instituciones competentes protección para Wilmer, lo cual le fue denegado. Después, publicarían en las redes que Wilmer fue asesinado por orden de Martín y Víctor. Las instalaciones del MADJ y la Radio Dignidad también han sido allanadas. Por todo ello, Martin goza de medidas cautelares dictadas por la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos CIDH desde 2013.

El MADJ realiza acciones con defensores de los bienes comunes y comunidades desalojadas en la zona atlántica de Honduras, así como campaña contra las empresas hidroeléctricas, como la de HIDROCEP en el río Mezapa. En Pajuiles le han plantado cara. El pasado 10 de enero se inició la audiencia contra 10 activistas que fueron detenidos el 10 de agosto de 2017 en los Campamentos Dignos por el Agua y por la Vida. En esa jornada Martín Fernández fue también agredido.

Por todo ello exigimos el fin de hostilidades contra Martín Fernández y los demás activistas del Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia (MADJ), así como justicia para ellos y su compañero asesinado Wilmer Paredes, y los presos desde el 10 de agosto. Exigimos la salida de las transnacionales energéticas de las comunidades y el fin del apoyo militar y legal a estas desde el estado.

Este acoso y agresiones se corresponden al actual tiempo de ofensiva extractivista, pero también a una situación política institucional que ampara y provoca estas actuaciones, fruto del golpe de estado de 2009, que se ratificó el 2013 y ahora en noviembre 2017 con las elecciones fraude en las que la oligarquía y las empresas impusieron a Juan Orlando Hernández como presidente. Este gobierno impuesto y protegido por lo militares es además el impulsor de actividades altamente dañinas para el medio ambiente y las personas como represas, plantaciones de palma africana, etc

Unimos así este reclamo al que hicimos ayer por Edwin Espinal, miembro del COPINH detenido y por cuya integridad también tememos. Protestar no es un delito, y más aún, en la actual situación de Honduras tras las elecciones del 26 de noviembre, creemos que es un deber de todo hondureño (y nuestro también) el denunciar el fraude de las elecciones.

Conocedores de la represión que vive Honduras y en concreto nuestras organizaciones hermanas COPINH y MADJ, nos preocupa la integridad de todos ellos.

Que sepa el ejército y la oligarquía hondureña que estamos atentos a lo que pueda suceder y que el mundo no acepta tantos atropellos.



Ekologistak Martxan demands the end of the harassment and repression against our
comrade and friend Martín Fernández and other members of the Broad Movement for Dignity and Justice (MADJ) of Honduras and sends our solidarity. Last Sunday a commando of the repressive forces of the State of Honduras persecuted the mentioned above until his house, after a peaceful demonstration. A soldier entered the house and pointed Martin and the other activists in the head with his gun. Two more policemen also got in. The police broke the glass of Martin’s vehicle. After the police and military police surrounded the house of MADJ’s leader Martín Fernández and others in San Juan Pueblo (Atlántida) preventing them from leaving.

Martín has been attacked and harassed previously, like his brother, being forced on a previous occasion to leave the country. In recent days he has also been attacked through social networks. The most recent after the murder of his colleague Wilmer Paredes on January 1. After Wilmer received threats, Martin asked the competent institutions for protection for him, which was denied. Later, it was published in the social networks that Wilmer’s murder was ordered by Martín and Víctor. MADJ’s offices and Radio Dignidad have also been raided. For all these reasons, Martin was granted precautionary measures by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, IACHR (CIDH) since 2013.

The MADJ carries out actions with defenders of common property and evicted communities in the Atlantic zone of Honduras, as well as campaigns against hydroelectric companies, such as HIDROCEP on the Mezapa River. In Pajuiles they have stood up against these projects. On January 10 the hearing began against 10 activists who were arrested on August 10, 2017, in the Dignified Camps for Water and Life. In that day Martín Fernández was also attacked.

Because all this we demand the end of hostilities against Martín Fernández and the other activists of MADJ, as well as justice for them and their murdered comrade Wilmer Paredes, and those imprisoned since August 10. We demand the exit of energy transnationals from the communities and the end of military and legal support to these from the state.

This harassment and aggressions correspond to the current extractivist offensive. But also to a political institutional situation that protects and provokes these actions, as a result of the coup d’état of 2009, which was ratified in 2013 and now in November 2017 with the elections fraud in those that the oligarchy and the companies imposed on Juan Orlando Hernández as president. This government, imposed and protected by the military, is also the driving force behind highly damaging activities against the environment and people such as dams, African palm plantations, etc.

We unite this claim to the one we made yesterday on behalf of Edwin Espinal, a member of COPINH detained and for whose integrity we also fear. Protesting is not a crime, and even more, in the current situation in Honduras after the November 26 elections. We believe that it is the duty of every Honduran (and ours too) to denounce the fraud of the elections.

We are aware of the repression that Honduras is experiencing and specifically our sister organizations COPINH and MADJ, we are concerned about the integrity of all of them.
Let the army and the Honduran oligarchy know that we are attentive to what may happen and that the world does not accept so many abuses.


Ekologistak Martxan demands the end of the harassment and repression against our comrade and friend Martín Fernández and other members of the Broad Movement for Dignity and Justice (MADJ) of Honduras and sends our solidarity. Last Sunday a commando of the repressive forces of the State of Honduras persecuted the mentioned above until his house, after a peaceful demonstration. A soldier entered the house and pointed Martin and the other activists in the head with his gun. Two more policemen also got in. The police broke the glass of Martin’s vehicle. After the police and military police surrounded the house of MADJ’s leader Martín Fernández and others in San Juan Pueblo (Atlántida) preventing them from leaving.

Martín has been attacked and harassed previously, like his brother, being forced on a previous occasion to leave the country. In recent days he has also been attacked through social networks. The most recent after the murder of his colleague Wilmer Paredes on January 1. After Wilmer received threats, Martin asked the competent institutions for protection for him, which was denied. Later, it was published in the social networks that Wilmer’s murder was ordered by Martín and Víctor. MADJ’s offices and Radio Dignidad have also been raided. For all these reasons, Martin was granted precautionary measures by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, IACHR (CIDH) since 2013.

The MADJ carries out actions with defenders of common property and evicted communities in the Atlantic zone of Honduras, as well as campaigns against hydroelectric companies, such as HIDROCEP on the Mezapa River. In Pajuiles they have stood up against these projects. On January 10 the hearing began against 10 activists who were arrested on August 10, 2017, in the Dignified Camps for Water and Life. In that day Martín Fernández was also attacked.

Because all this we demand the end of hostilities against Martín Fernández and the other activists of MADJ, as well as justice for them and their murdered comrade Wilmer Paredes, and those imprisoned since August 10. We demand the exit of energy transnationals from the communities and the end of military and legal support to these from the state.

This harassment and aggressions correspond to the current extractivist offensive. But also to a political institutional situation that protects and provokes these actions, as a result of the coup d’état of 2009, which was ratified in 2013 and now in November 2017 with the elections fraud in those that the oligarchy and the companies imposed on Juan Orlando Hernández as president. This government, imposed and protected by the military, is also the driving force behind highly damaging activities against the environment and people such as dams, African palm plantations, etc.

We unite this claim to the one we made yesterday on behalf of Edwin Espinal, a member of COPINH detained and for whose integrity we also fear. Protesting is not a crime, and even more, in the current situation in Honduras after the November 26 elections. We believe that it is the duty of every Honduran (and ours too) to denounce the fraud of the elections.

We are aware of the repression that Honduras is experiencing and specifically our sister organizations COPINH and MADJ, we are concerned about the integrity of all of them.
Let the army and the Honduran oligarchy know that we are attentive to what may happen and that the world does not accept so many abuses.

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